
A Little Touch of Vivaldi's Violin Concerto in A Minor for String Orchestra - Viola

CompositorAntonio Vivaldi
Yvette M. Devereaux
EditoraYvette M. Devereaux
Gênero Clássico
Instrumentação Viola
Composição paraOrquestra de Cordas
Tipo de composiçãoPartes
chave Lá (A) menor
duração 2'13"
dificuldade Medium
Ano de composição 1711
This is the Viola part for this wonderful and short version of the Vivaldi's Violin Concert in A-minor (movement 1). There are many exciting passages in this piece by which players should have the experience with playing fast sixteenth notes, various bowing techniques and knowledgeable and can handle accidentals.

data de postagem: 19 ago 2015

Sheet music file 3.00 USD
PDF PDF, 243.7 Kb (3 p.)


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